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Institute For
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The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy is an internationally recognized group of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists providing the highest quality cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, personality disorders, child and adolescent problems and family and marital problems.
highest quality
schedule a consultation at or intake@cognitivetherapynyc.com
In 1985 Dr. Leahy founded the Center for Cognitive Therapy and in 1990 he established The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy. We have provided successful, caring and highly professional treatment for thousands of patients.
The Director, Dr. Robert L. Leahy (B.A., M.S., Ph.D. Yale University), has authored and edited 30 books on cognitive therapy and psychological processes and is the Past President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT), Past President of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy, Past President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical School. His books have been translated into 20 languages. He has been featured in print and televised media worldwide and is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop leader in conferences throughout the world. Dr. Leahy is the Honorary Lifetime President, New York City Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Association and Distinguished Founding Fellow, Diplomate, of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Leahy is the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. He recently received the Aaron T. Beck Award for Outstanding Contributions in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
You can read Dr. Leahy’s Blog “Anxiety Free” at PsychologyToday.com and his blog on Huffington Post.
For examples of articles and chapters by Dr. Leahy please see this link on Google Scholar.
For a listing of books by Dr. Leahy please visit the author’s webpage on Amazon.
Our staff provide evaluations and treatment for psychological problems, state-of-the-art cognitive-behavioral therapy, and training for other professionals. Many members of our staff teach and supervise in graduate programs and medical schools in the New York City area and have authored research articles and chapters on cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Purchase Treatment Plans and Interventions (2nd ed.)
and Emotion Regulation in Psychotherapy from Guilford Press
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